Radio Service - Becoming a Radio Tech

Electronic Toys

Electronic Toys
Electronic Toys

Popular toy in the 50’s through the 90’s, these “Learning Labs” provided children with simple and easy to build electronic projects such as Morse code practice oscillators, radio receivers, and even low power transmitters. 


Check out the collection of teaching displays.

Electronic Toys
Electronic Toys

Test Equipment

HeathKit Display
HeathKit Display

Those that remember HeathKit loved that company. They made and sold electronic kits for just about anything you could think of back in the late 40’s and up through the late 1980’s. Their kits included test equipment, amateur radio gear, HiFi equipment, TV’s, and even early computers. 

RCA bench
RCA bench

Check out the collection of test equipment.

There is a display of RCA Test Equipment, HeathKit Test Equipment, General Radio Test Equipment, and Other Makers of Test Equipment. 

Tech School


Unlike today, radio and TV repair was a good business to be in from after WWII up to about the late 1990’s. An individual either took classes in person, through vocational schools, by correspondence classes, or training in the military. Even today some of the best technical training in the world is provided through the military. 


Tech School
Tech School